Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My humble two cents worth..

It sounds q unbelievable but i woke up at 7am on sunday to volunteer my services to help worker's party to give out flyers during their walkabout at bedok. Actually i didnt wanna go but i did because i didnt wanna be all talk. And also, it was doing a favour to my dad's friend as she helps out also. And one big push for me is that mr david goh who helps the opposition in tampines.. He passed away 2 days back and it is very sad. I dont know him before 2 days ago and he died due to overwork. Everyday in the past months, he has had only 2 to 3 hours to sleep an he has to help in the walkabouts and campaigning. The question is, why did he even bother? He was an executive, if im not wrong. He could be comfortable in his job, getting good salary and not having to go through all these sacrifices. But what for? I believe its to help us speak up. We dont wanna overthrow pap.. But as mr low said, w ejust merely wanna be the assistant driver who slaps the main driver in case he doze off. And if he is a good driver, then we just need someone to talk to him to keep him going. All the opposition members made more sacrifices than anyone can understand. And unlike the hay days, they are no longer any random hawker. These people are lecturers, lawyers, havard grads, executives, professionals and even civil servant. They could have not given a damn, stayed at home with their family, getting a good enough pay that will last them through their entire life. But why are they, for example the wp membe i was helping.. Mr gerald giam.. He took 3 months unpaid leave just to do campaigning.. Wwaking up everyday so early in the morning to do walkabouts and at night, give speeches at rallies, and he has 3 young children and his wife isnt working. Imagine the pressure he puts himself just to see a change in singapore? And its a thanklesss job to some pro-pap people as they diss him, scold him... Really.. These people could really have stood aside and do nothing. And if they lose, fine.. They lose their deposits. But if they win, the next 5 years is going to be a very very tough one for them. Which is why i decided to help. Furthermore, i cant vote this time. So i just wanted to help them out. I really learnt alot from tpday's walkabouts. My job was to help mr gerald giam give flyers as he shook the residents' hands. And so many people were telling him about how they asked the town council to solve some issues for DECADES and is still unresolved. And in my opinions, these problems are within the control of the MP if they are willing to put in the effort. Ya. Of course, there were some people who didnt even bother to look at him.. But oh well. when food prices hike up, dont complain then.Pap said that food and commodities prices hiking up arent really within their control. Then cut ur pays la, if u really have the peoples' hearts in your concerns. Obama only gets 400k annually for being the world's president. If each minister cuts their own pay by 20%, im sure theres enough money to go around and help subsidise the high prices. And if ho ching didnt lose so many hundreds of millions on bad investment.. We would be able to definitely lower prices. Also, they raised the gst to 7% because they wantted to help the poor with the money. Listen to nicole seah's speech and see how pathetically little portion of this gst hike was really used in this purpose? Wong kan seng was the one who let the foreigners in and now, because of nicole seah, he says 'foreigners is really a big issue here'?? Isnt that slapping himself? And when mas selamat escaped.. Why did it take him so long and coincidentally with the GE here to address the problem? The pap that once brought singapore up is no longer the same. Even dr vivian, one of the most respcted minister from pap in my opinions, is a big letdown.. It just seems that the aim of their party is to drive the oppossition out. But what happened to the welfare of the citizens? They're too rich to know how overcrowded singapore is. Ask them to go to clementi on a regular monday to take the bus to SIM la. They have become too capitalistic to truly care for the people anymore. Why are they using our money to buy fancy lorries and big amplifiers? That money could have been converted into food vouchers for the neglected old folks?Well.. Thats just my two cents worth on politics in singapore. Im not saying we should overthrow pap, afterall, as quoted from one of the opposition, '80% of singapore is owned by PAP what'. No matter how, they'll still be ruling sg for the next few decades to come. But if we included more voices, especially if aljunied grc wins, we get a strong opposing voice in parliament to question about the above issues when it is raised. The next time the PAP wants to increase their own pays, at least someone watches for us and question why and what for? Anyway if the opposition wins, its a good thing for singapore's name since we have always been mocked about our one party ruling party system. I really hope people would give the opposition a chance to prove themselves. As PM said, they dont even have a track record. But is because no one ever gave them a chance to prove themselves. So yeah. I really wished i could vote, especially for mr low thia kiang. I remember when i was living in hougang, when my grandfather passed away, he cam by to attend the wake. Thats how an MP should be. Well.. Even the MM refused to shake residents' hands? See how pap has changed? Well yeah. Jiayou to all opposition party members. Was speaking to elyssa, this girl i gotta know in starbucks, she was just passing by my table and she just asked which grc im in. And we started talking for about an hour on politics. V v good. We must rlly prove that gen z isnt an ignorant bunch lor. We all know to not buy kate spade anyway.Im v v glad to write this blogpost, in honour of my grandfather who believed strongly in democracy. And my dad.. Who also wants to see a change. Well, singapore is supposed to be a democratic country of free speech right? So i shall rest my case as i attempt to hit the 'publish' button. Come what may!

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