Friday, March 12, 2010

Of another valentine-less Valentines Day.


I have never had a (proper) date on Valentines' Day. I have had dates before, but they just never seem to stay on long enough for V. day! haha. oh well, 20 consecutive valentines-less valentines day..though i almost broke the chain last v. day... so, it's a tragedy eh? I guess it is, to some people who have never had a shortage of suitors. But you know, i'm still proud to be single above that all. I could have just gone out with some desperate jerk who just wants sex just so i could become attached. But then, i really need to find someone whom i can have "the feel (or commonly known as chemistry)" with. And in my life, there was only 1 guy who did that. But its all over already. Of course, seeing so many of my friends looking so happy in their facebook profiles with their good-looking boyfriends made me green with envy, i'd admit. and of course, i'd love to have someone whom i love and loves me back. Afterall, Nat King Cole sang, "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return". But what if my love never comes? Am i gonna be sour and sulky about it? Anyway i have already gave in to cupid, if cupid thinks i should have a boyfriend, then i guess i will have one. but if not, i'm not gonna give a damn. i guess i'll have to focus my life on other areas of my life - travelling around the world, be the journalist i wanna be, be the best friend i can be to my dearest friends, be the good daughter to my parents, be a good human being.

Although i have mentioned that i've never had a (proper) date on Valentines day, it didn't mean that i didn't feel any love before on that day! I remember going out with morgan so many times on v. days, letting people think that we're lesbians. X= hahaha! One valentine's day was spent with hong choo and anita, i remembered. see? they are still filled with love, though not the romantic kind. I guess adeline was right, i should just love the single life while i'm in it. I mean, if its fated, it will be, won't it?

Oh, found from my personal blog a breakdown of what i did on some of the V days of my life!

2007: I wanted to scream. lol! had no idea why..

2008: I went k-boxing with morgan and counted how many bouquets of flowers we saw. I was also packing for Perth trip then.

2009: Spent it with Morgan again, eating ice cream.

2010: I supposed will be spending it with my beloved family. I am so loving being single! Though you'd probably think that i'm really superficial because if i was okay with it, i probably wouldn't be blogging about this right? Wrong. just wanna remind all my single friends out there, that you are not alone. (:

And as for all the happy couples (especially Chantel and Terence, Adeline Khng and Darren), HAPPY V. DAY!

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