Monday, March 22, 2010

If there were more Wu Fu in the world.


Was watching the new channel 8 drama 五福到 (eng title: the best things in life) and how i wished i could be as simple or meet someone as simple as the main guy - Wu Fu (played by Chen Han Wei) who is a simple countryman who has been living in his fish village for the past 35 years of his life. he is the simplest, cutest, most naive person one would meet, although he is fictional. i mean, he doesn't think twice before helping his friends, he gets happy over the simplest things and his love for someone is so pure, there isn't any motive. i know he is just a fictional character and it is probably hard to ever find another guy so simple like wu fu. and honestly, most singaporean girls won't like him. he's too simple, doesn't have a steady job, isn't really good looking, too simple, too naive for a guy and the list goes on.. but then again, his flaws have turned into his strength, because he possesses something most modern city boys don't.. and that is innocence. through his innocence, you can count on him that his sweet words are real and heart-felt and you know that you can rely on his words to live on your life with him. and his intentions are simple. but where do you find such simple minded guys these days? and when we do, we call them "sua gu" (or ignorant). So, why can't everyone else be like him? the world will be a much much better place to live in! no more over suspicion. no more being skeptical about someone's good intentions. no more broken promises. no more heartbreaks. no more scandals. just a world filled with pure hearts and salted fishes. i guess i'm just rambling on about something really really lame eh? hahah. but it's just a little thought.

here's a little diagram i've come up with. you see, the red line is the external environment that is going everyday - the crazy financial climate, the random ups and downs in your life, the influence your peers have on you, the random happiness you find, the random sadness you encounter.. they are averaged out and assumed into that red line. from Wu fu's perspective, because he isn't exposed to the real world, though his happiness comes from simple simple sources, it makes him happy. you see, we are all greedy. there can never be enough to satisfy our happiness. and as for WuFu, it takes little (compared to the city goers) to brighten up his life whereas because we are so so exposed to the everyday level of happiness and we are so prone to social comparison, we never seem happy enough. you see, only when good things happen, we smile. that's too practical, isn't it? i mean, wu fu is probably happy over the small things in life. but sadly, when we are so used to the big city life, small things can no longer satisfy our big appetites for sources of happiness. i guess, thats because his happiness comes from within, so it takes little to make him happy. but as for us, we rely alot on the external environment (e.g. winning our friends when social comparing) - eg. money, materialistic wants satisfied, having a better boyfriend, having a boyfriend, having cool friends, having the better grade, having the better career .. to make us smile. but deep deep within, we are as bitter as bitter gourd dipped in bitter gourd sauce. i guess that's why, we are easily "emo-ed" over the simplest things. isn't it good if life was simpler? where it was like when we were during our childhood? hmm.. so, how do i lower my big city-goer's appetite for happiness to one where its simple enough to make me smile to simplest things like just seeing the sun shining, but without giving up halfway due to the influence of this damn practical society?

hmm... i guess the answer varies from individual to individual. in fact, some might argue that they are happy being the city-goer they are. and some might add on that, being simple is simply being in denial and it will do you no good. but how will knowing reality make our lives easier or happier anyway? reality robs hope. its like the movie "the tooth fairy", where tooth fairies die (or something along that line) because adults start telling children that they don't exist, thus taking away a simple source of happiness. that's what reality does. but sometimes, we are just plain curious although we do know deep in our hearts that the reality will always (or mostly) hurt. how strange human beings are.. foolish, overrated creatures who think that they are superior to the other animals just because they have a thumb.

oh well. i wanna go somewhere simple. somewhere where people made merry everyday although there isn't any particular reason to celebrate but they do anyway! oh well. in the "typical, practical, smug city go-er" lingo, i just simply wanna waste my life in denial.

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