Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Young adult i am.

ok, so those who have been talking to me recently should have slowly gone nuts about me saying about life.. and how we're entering the life changing/ adulthood-stepping decade of our lives and how weird it is that by the end of this decade,that WITH ANY LUCK, i'd be typing on this blog having kids. HOW WEIRD AND BIZARREEEE!!! omg. O.O shocks me to think abt it. i mean, having sex is already quite mind-blowing, let alone.. offsprings. MY OFFSPRINGS. x= omggggggggggggggggggggggg.

so anyway, so currently, im confused. im confused about how my life should steer? what is considered normal? what is the stereotype. ok.. i know the stereotype. right now, the correct mould i should fall into is -

1. study

2. graduate with a bachelor

3. get a decent and steady job

4. have a constant group of girlfriends (a.k.a sex and the city/ desperate housewives/ bridget jones kind of girls.. who sip cosmos etc)

5.get a decent enough boyfriend who has a stable job

6. get married and have a mediocre sex life (based on durex survey on singaporean's sex life)

7. have children and start paying for household expenses/taxes etc

8. retire and go into an old folks home.

ok, but reality check here:

1. i have stopped being geeky after i went through poly. so is it possible i will revert back to the muggertoad i once was?

2. yeah. i think i will but how long will it take?

3. i dont really want a decent job. i wanna be a travel journalist! i wanna be paid to travel and know about other people and their lifestyles!!!! i wanna be filled with knowledge! i dont wanna sit at a desk and deal with numbers. sigh.

4. i do have group of friends now. but as what i can see, we're slowly splitting and stuff. and new friends are coming in. so.... how constant?

5. hmmmm. im leaving this section to fate and cupid. lol! i give up in finding my own love already
6. refer to no. 5

7. i might adopt if i eventually dont get married. or like back-up plan, i wont mind getting sperms from a sperm bank. why not?

8. if best right, i'd retire and MOVE TO SWITZERLAND! best ending to my story eh?!

okok. so, my point being... when i was young, my aunt got me a set of encyclopedia. lol. there's this particular one called "all about people". so its all about biology and stuff.

but in between the biology bits, they insert sections where they introduce u about the different stages of a person's life.

the coloured person refers to the stage of life u're reading..

i used to read about the pre-teens and teenage part when i was in primary school, trying to figure out what life will be like. even in sec school, i will refer to it once in a while to know where i stood. its not a very in-depth/oxford-ish kind of book.

lol! teens. ok, lets just see how my teenage life was supposed to be:

1. im supposed to be getting a new body.. which i have gotten. boobs and pubic hair, CHECKED.

2. "teens are old enough to go out without their parents. for the first time, they can do things by themselves without any adults around" CHECKED.

3. "looking good is important to most teens. they need to keep in shape if they want to look their best" .. after my eyelid glue and contacts experience, CHECKED.

4. "Lots of exciting things are happening in teenagers' lives. but they need to study because their education will make a big difference in their future lives" CHECKED. but im quite guilty about the studying part.

5. "Most teens start dating. they also develop close friendships with other people their age. they sometimes seem to have little time for their families." the dates part, CHECKED. the families part, also CHECKED!

6. "Having a job for the first time can be fun, even if it is hardwork. it feels good having money you have earned yourself" CHECKED!

weeee~ i've lived my teenage life well, at least according to the book. weee~ ok. so, to get a rough guide on how i'm supposed to map out my "young adulthood" ... here goes:

ok. im looking forward to this bit. the travelling bit! ohhhh london, please let me go to u!

i do hope im not ging to live with my parents by the time im 30 though.. i DO have thoughts of moving out. but the idea doesnt work well in singapore, because honestly, how far can u shift in singapore? from simei to boon lay ar? HAHAHHA.


WEE~ shall continue with yoga. maybe bowling? idk!

this was the bit i was saying. MARRIED. the scary M word. lol!

lol!!!!! that is what i should be looking out for now, i guess? a new job + a family + a new home.

ok lor. i know its lame to rely on an encyclopedia meant for young children for the road map of the next 10 years of my life. but when you get confused.. sometimes, the simpler the solution, the better.

ok. phew! finally blogged. shiook feeling. shall.... watch FRIENDS! and sleep!

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