Monday, April 5, 2010

An optimist in a pessimistic world

Every time when i feel that something good will happen, i tend to have very high hopes about it and kinda be mentally prepared to be happy about it. Sometimes, things really go my way and i have this surge of excitement shooting up my bloodstream. i believe that is adrenaline. however, there are times when it doesn't go my way, and i will tell myself, "hey, its alright. next time, just don't aim too high". Hence, i conclude that i am somewhat an optimist by nature.

However in my opinion, as one grows up, the chances of being disappointed increases. So, the more i will tell myself to keep my hopes low. So basically my heart which was originally filled with optimism, is slowly covered up with blankets of pessimism. However, there will always be a little optimism glowing through that almost opaque layer of pessimism. It's like in my heart of hearts, it still says that "hey, something good will happen." Some people call it hope. Some people call it denial.

As for me, i don't know what it is called. All i know is, sometimes i wished that the little glow would be extinguished. because sometimes because of that little glow, i expect to see a fire burning.. when in fact, it is darkness that will only follow after. And in the end, it just results in nothing.

Sometimes, when it is all dark, a little glow makes it a lot brighter. Contrastingly, when life is so bright, you wouldn't notice how much brighter it seems when no matter how much light has been added to it. To relate it to life, sometimes, when you can't see the hope at all and when your life improves by a little bit, the happiness reaped out of it is magnified.

As a friend once said, when life is down, the only way it will go is up. So, why be an optimist? If you see a glass of water as half empty, when you drink it, you will only be happy because there is something in the glass that can fulfill your thirst. When you thought that it was only half empty, you'd probably think that it is only half empty, hence it can't do much. but when you gulp it down, it has exceeded your expectations and hence, you feel happy. On the other hand, if you see the glass as half full, you would probably have thought that you were more thirsty than you really are and when you drink that water, it wouldn't satisfy you as much as you thought it would have, would it?

If given a choice, I would choose for my glass to be half-empty. What about you?