Oh gosh, i should never have watched the news. was seeing SDP members going around buona vista mrt garnering support. honestly, these people are normal people who have jobs. some are even doctorate holders and yet, they have to give up their jobs just to be at buona vista trying to campaign. i really really hope singaporeans will vote wisely please. their manifesto is to peg minister's pays to ordinary peoples'. this is the correct way. there are proposals to raise the ministers' pays again after elections as their pays are pegged to the 6 highest paid industries in the private dector. It might even double. Already they're earning more than President Obama.. Really dont want anymore taxpayers' money to go into their pockets. Would rather see the money go to nation building and helping those who fell through the cracks and also, preparing for the aging population than into their pockets to buy more kate spade bags..
anyway the ministers should be working for the welfare of singapore, not the fat paycheque. ohhhh... really v sad to see the opposition parties campaigning efforts and sacrifices deem useless if people do not feel their sincerity also. i really must never be in politics.. oh gosh. totally too emotional..jiayouuuu opposition! all of u! from reform party, sdp, wp, nsp... u all can do it! your efforts really arent wasted as you have proven that its okay to state your stand even if your views are against all odds. really really hope wp get aijunied and hougang back. Ohmygosh. If not, singapore's gonna go back to the one-party political system again.. Sigh.
Because life is never black or white.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Just disappointed with life as it progresses...
there are reasons i really hate to read the newspapers. They always reflect either bad news or bad news sugarcoated in the form of good news. And we are all sucked into the magical land of facades. And slowly, you'll recognise that underneath these facades are nothing. Pure nothingness. Just like the process of growing up. As a child, you're taught that when your tooth drops, the tooth fairy comes by, clears your headache of what to do with the tooth as she carries her tooth into her nest and gives you a dollar for it, only to grow up and find out that these doesnt exist and when you have any teeth problem, it just means that you have to go to the dentist and pay him a hefty sum to rectify the problem. i know you guys are sick of my rants about politics, especially to those who are pro PAP. but its really making my blood boil seeing all these happen and not being able to do anything. what about those need welfare? we are an aging population. as we grow up, it means the working population would be taxed more heftily to support people from our dad's generation. if the ministers draw such high pays, would we have enough funds for the baby boomers? if there is, what about us? don't we need help to relieve us of our heavy loads? sigh. I live in an above average income household. Frankly, the governement's actions didnt affect me because my family can still cope with the rising prices. In fact, i didnt even need to get so angry because i am not even affected and its really none of my business. But i just cannot sit by and watch the people who have been neglected by the government shout till their lungs explode and yet, are continued to be ignored. Which is why i really wanna shout with them.. At least theres a bigger chance of being heard.eAnyway, am studying hard for exams. in the past, our parents tell us to sstudy hard and you'd have no worries in your future as it'll garantee us a good job etc. but is it true? as i grow up, the definition of being happy widens and it no longer just include a good future. what is a good future if you didnt have anyone to share it with? i need friends, family and prefably, a spouse. but as time goes by, your family diminish as let's face it.. we're mortal beings. we will die one day. time will take our loved ones away.. and as for friends and even spouse, in this day and age, such relationships seem more fragile than glass. especially due to social media where everything is instantaneous and few of these relationships seem to be able to withstand the test of time. also, as a wanderluster, i have thought of combing every nook and cranny of this planet but how to, if the entire world is at odds with each other and it has become increasingly capitalistic and unsafe to be in. Slowly, i fail to see the meaning of adulthood and improved technology. i used to yearn adulthood because i couldnt wait to experience freedom and independence. but at what price? the price of knowing about the cruelty of reality? the cruelty of capitalism? the cruelty of everything? that the world i once was proud of living in and though was beautiful, all destroyed with adulthood. if so, i rather be back 10 years ago when i thought to myself, 'how far it is to reach 21 years old!'. Whats the point of fighting for what is right only to be told that only the rich and powerful can define what right and wrong is? What is the point of having beliefs and values only to be told they're invalid later in life? Whats the point when it seems you're alone in this world when there are so many billions of people.. Whats the point of reading about fairytale stories and told that any prince charming on a white horse coming into your life gives you everything you have ever dreamt of without hurting you when you fall in love yourself only to find that your spouse cheats on you and you battle with yourself whether to confront him and destroy your own marriage with your bare hands or too pretaend nothing happens while you hide in the toilet every night after sex, crying your eyes out? whats the point of trusting in a religion only to be told the money you have donated to build a better place of worship, is used to fund their own personal luxuries?There have been many points in my life where i wished i didnt know what i knew - secrets, news, scandals, rumours... Because as they say, ignorance is bliss. But at the end of the day, this protective shell will vapourise and you'll be overwhelmed by reality. Theres a reason no one lives in universal studios. They are just the biggest facades in the world.. And by facade, it means that there is no function at all. Behind those beautifully painted houses are brick walls. A person in denial would pretend they're real, just like how we once pretended that we were real doctors and nurses when we treated our teddy bears with our toy medical kits. But our hdb flats, poverty, wars, corruptions.. These are reality! a facade is when the government tells its people that no such things exist. A facade is when government dont publish the information the public should know. Really do not wanna grow up. I wont be surprised if one day, i gave up all that i have and shift to a secluded spot in some wilderness area of africa where capitalism/reality doesnt influence anyone. Sigh. I can truly understand why Buddha gave up his royalty to go around the world to understand hardship and later to attain enlightenment.. I need some enlightenment. As karl marx said, religion is the 'opium of the people' where religion was created to deal with the real misery which confronts them. If they were unhappy, they turned to religion which acted as an opiate andd dull their plans. Slowly, i feel marx. I am starting to think that marx was right and durkeim and his idea that we hold the destiny of our lives, is a mere overstatement. Too naive, i feel. Maybe i should learn more about buddhism and return to my happy-go-lucky old self again. Back to reality now. Back to the books. But what for? Sigh.
My humble two cents worth..
It sounds q unbelievable but i woke up at 7am on sunday to volunteer my services to help worker's party to give out flyers during their walkabout at bedok. Actually i didnt wanna go but i did because i didnt wanna be all talk. And also, it was doing a favour to my dad's friend as she helps out also. And one big push for me is that mr david goh who helps the opposition in tampines.. He passed away 2 days back and it is very sad. I dont know him before 2 days ago and he died due to overwork. Everyday in the past months, he has had only 2 to 3 hours to sleep an he has to help in the walkabouts and campaigning. The question is, why did he even bother? He was an executive, if im not wrong. He could be comfortable in his job, getting good salary and not having to go through all these sacrifices. But what for? I believe its to help us speak up. We dont wanna overthrow pap.. But as mr low said, w ejust merely wanna be the assistant driver who slaps the main driver in case he doze off. And if he is a good driver, then we just need someone to talk to him to keep him going. All the opposition members made more sacrifices than anyone can understand. And unlike the hay days, they are no longer any random hawker. These people are lecturers, lawyers, havard grads, executives, professionals and even civil servant. They could have not given a damn, stayed at home with their family, getting a good enough pay that will last them through their entire life. But why are they, for example the wp membe i was helping.. Mr gerald giam.. He took 3 months unpaid leave just to do campaigning.. Wwaking up everyday so early in the morning to do walkabouts and at night, give speeches at rallies, and he has 3 young children and his wife isnt working. Imagine the pressure he puts himself just to see a change in singapore? And its a thanklesss job to some pro-pap people as they diss him, scold him... Really.. These people could really have stood aside and do nothing. And if they lose, fine.. They lose their deposits. But if they win, the next 5 years is going to be a very very tough one for them. Which is why i decided to help. Furthermore, i cant vote this time. So i just wanted to help them out. I really learnt alot from tpday's walkabouts. My job was to help mr gerald giam give flyers as he shook the residents' hands. And so many people were telling him about how they asked the town council to solve some issues for DECADES and is still unresolved. And in my opinions, these problems are within the control of the MP if they are willing to put in the effort. Ya. Of course, there were some people who didnt even bother to look at him.. But oh well. when food prices hike up, dont complain then.Pap said that food and commodities prices hiking up arent really within their control. Then cut ur pays la, if u really have the peoples' hearts in your concerns. Obama only gets 400k annually for being the world's president. If each minister cuts their own pay by 20%, im sure theres enough money to go around and help subsidise the high prices. And if ho ching didnt lose so many hundreds of millions on bad investment.. We would be able to definitely lower prices. Also, they raised the gst to 7% because they wantted to help the poor with the money. Listen to nicole seah's speech and see how pathetically little portion of this gst hike was really used in this purpose? Wong kan seng was the one who let the foreigners in and now, because of nicole seah, he says 'foreigners is really a big issue here'?? Isnt that slapping himself? And when mas selamat escaped.. Why did it take him so long and coincidentally with the GE here to address the problem? The pap that once brought singapore up is no longer the same. Even dr vivian, one of the most respcted minister from pap in my opinions, is a big letdown.. It just seems that the aim of their party is to drive the oppossition out. But what happened to the welfare of the citizens? They're too rich to know how overcrowded singapore is. Ask them to go to clementi on a regular monday to take the bus to SIM la. They have become too capitalistic to truly care for the people anymore. Why are they using our money to buy fancy lorries and big amplifiers? That money could have been converted into food vouchers for the neglected old folks?Well.. Thats just my two cents worth on politics in singapore. Im not saying we should overthrow pap, afterall, as quoted from one of the opposition, '80% of singapore is owned by PAP what'. No matter how, they'll still be ruling sg for the next few decades to come. But if we included more voices, especially if aljunied grc wins, we get a strong opposing voice in parliament to question about the above issues when it is raised. The next time the PAP wants to increase their own pays, at least someone watches for us and question why and what for? Anyway if the opposition wins, its a good thing for singapore's name since we have always been mocked about our one party ruling party system. I really hope people would give the opposition a chance to prove themselves. As PM said, they dont even have a track record. But is because no one ever gave them a chance to prove themselves. So yeah. I really wished i could vote, especially for mr low thia kiang. I remember when i was living in hougang, when my grandfather passed away, he cam by to attend the wake. Thats how an MP should be. Well.. Even the MM refused to shake residents' hands? See how pap has changed? Well yeah. Jiayou to all opposition party members. Was speaking to elyssa, this girl i gotta know in starbucks, she was just passing by my table and she just asked which grc im in. And we started talking for about an hour on politics. V v good. We must rlly prove that gen z isnt an ignorant bunch lor. We all know to not buy kate spade anyway.Im v v glad to write this blogpost, in honour of my grandfather who believed strongly in democracy. And my dad.. Who also wants to see a change. Well, singapore is supposed to be a democratic country of free speech right? So i shall rest my case as i attempt to hit the 'publish' button. Come what may!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Dear (hypothetical) future husband,
I was supposed to be working on my management accounting report, but i am so bored. i remembered reading this post from Ryan's blog and i shall do my own version. Here goes...
Dear my future husband,
if i'm married to you, it means that
a. i love you.
b. you love me.
because i am a person who will not be in a relationship with someone i don't love nor will i be in it with someone i know doesn't love me enough. and if you have proposed and i have accepted, it must have gone both ways and i thank you for loving me.
I am surprised at your marriage proposal because i am one girl who never really saw herself walking down the aisle in that cliched white flowing dress with the beautiful bouquet in her hands. I have been hurt in the name of love and thank you once again, for showing me that i am wrong and for proving to me that love does exists and it isn't just money making opportunity for some skinny bitch and buff-ed up hunk to achieve their riches from. Thank you for even wanting me into your life even if you might have seen how disappointing i can be at times. Thank you for just dismissing all the negative emotions i have felt about love and putting in new beliefs of it. And last but not least, thanks for not letting me die a spinster where my death would have been discovered by my neighbor who hates me but have smelt a terrible stench from my apartment and decided to call the police to try her luck to see if i'm dead.
I hope you have decided to propose because you love me just the way i am. I will always be just a little bit fat (this is a little self denial), my face will always be just a little bit rounder than others, my eyes will always be this small and my nose will always be this fat. This is the prettiest i probably will be and i hope you didn't marry me in hope i will look any better. i'm afraid this might not happen. If you have decided to marry me for my wealth, i'm afraid that i won't be any richer either unless i strike the lottery. This is because i need my cosmetics and beauty products to keep my confidence level at a certain minimum and they do cost a bit. and also, i would need to go out with my friends every now and then and i'm afraid this wouldn't be cheap either. What i earn is probably enough for me to spend and just save a little. and don't worry, i wouldn't require you to pay for all these because i do believe we should still maintain our own lives even though we have intertwined.
You have to know that i have been single almost my entire life and that my life is never possible without my friends. So, sometimes when i do put their needs in front of yours, please do not be jealous. I have a couple of male friends who will always be a little more special but since i've decided to get married to you, you don't have to worry about cheating on you. i will always treat them a little better than i do to other men, but since i have given my life to you, you should know that you mean the most to me.
I have the word "wanderluster" tattooed on my lower back. I still love to travel and i hope you can be the one who runs wild with me and not tame me down. i do want a family too but before i do that, i want to step foot in Switzerland, at least because it is the country i would want to visit the most.
I want a family too. if we should have children, i want 2 or more or none. i don't want to just have a child. i am afraid i would spoil him/her and he/she would become a parasite to the society whom no one wants to have anything to do with. i love children but i am afraid i will become a terrible mother who lacks patience and love. i am afraid that one day, i'd be sick of my children and just let them be. what will become if i do change? i will stop working if i do have children, that i promise you. but that means you will have to work harder for the family because it isn't easy raising a family in Singapore with only one parent working. but i want to know my children. i want to love them. i don't want to be like me and my parents. i do love them, but i don't tell them a lot of things because i don't see the need to. i want to be a mother like Lorelai Gilmore where Rory tells her everything.
Last of all, i really hope your love for me will never waver. i know i am not the prettiest, sweetest, sexiest girl in town and there will always be prettier, hotter girls out there to tempt you. and if we do have children, my looks will probably drop one notch down. i will want to have sex with you every night (even though i don't really know how it feels like.. x: ) i really hope you do not break my heart like the other guys did. let death do us part. i hope we can be loving till our dying day. we will probably have misunderstandings or disagreements, but i will try my best to take a step back and i hope you do too. it doesn't matter if you would be balder, fatter, wrinklier because i know i loved you for who you are. so, please don't ever ever feel insecure. (:
i hope you will come into my life eventually because deep in my heart, i really hope you exist. if you do come, i promise to treasure you always.
Loving you ever so deeply,
Your future wife,
Shirley Lim.
Dear my future husband,
if i'm married to you, it means that
a. i love you.
b. you love me.
because i am a person who will not be in a relationship with someone i don't love nor will i be in it with someone i know doesn't love me enough. and if you have proposed and i have accepted, it must have gone both ways and i thank you for loving me.
I am surprised at your marriage proposal because i am one girl who never really saw herself walking down the aisle in that cliched white flowing dress with the beautiful bouquet in her hands. I have been hurt in the name of love and thank you once again, for showing me that i am wrong and for proving to me that love does exists and it isn't just money making opportunity for some skinny bitch and buff-ed up hunk to achieve their riches from. Thank you for even wanting me into your life even if you might have seen how disappointing i can be at times. Thank you for just dismissing all the negative emotions i have felt about love and putting in new beliefs of it. And last but not least, thanks for not letting me die a spinster where my death would have been discovered by my neighbor who hates me but have smelt a terrible stench from my apartment and decided to call the police to try her luck to see if i'm dead.
I hope you have decided to propose because you love me just the way i am. I will always be just a little bit fat (this is a little self denial), my face will always be just a little bit rounder than others, my eyes will always be this small and my nose will always be this fat. This is the prettiest i probably will be and i hope you didn't marry me in hope i will look any better. i'm afraid this might not happen. If you have decided to marry me for my wealth, i'm afraid that i won't be any richer either unless i strike the lottery. This is because i need my cosmetics and beauty products to keep my confidence level at a certain minimum and they do cost a bit. and also, i would need to go out with my friends every now and then and i'm afraid this wouldn't be cheap either. What i earn is probably enough for me to spend and just save a little. and don't worry, i wouldn't require you to pay for all these because i do believe we should still maintain our own lives even though we have intertwined.
You have to know that i have been single almost my entire life and that my life is never possible without my friends. So, sometimes when i do put their needs in front of yours, please do not be jealous. I have a couple of male friends who will always be a little more special but since i've decided to get married to you, you don't have to worry about cheating on you. i will always treat them a little better than i do to other men, but since i have given my life to you, you should know that you mean the most to me.
I have the word "wanderluster" tattooed on my lower back. I still love to travel and i hope you can be the one who runs wild with me and not tame me down. i do want a family too but before i do that, i want to step foot in Switzerland, at least because it is the country i would want to visit the most.
I want a family too. if we should have children, i want 2 or more or none. i don't want to just have a child. i am afraid i would spoil him/her and he/she would become a parasite to the society whom no one wants to have anything to do with. i love children but i am afraid i will become a terrible mother who lacks patience and love. i am afraid that one day, i'd be sick of my children and just let them be. what will become if i do change? i will stop working if i do have children, that i promise you. but that means you will have to work harder for the family because it isn't easy raising a family in Singapore with only one parent working. but i want to know my children. i want to love them. i don't want to be like me and my parents. i do love them, but i don't tell them a lot of things because i don't see the need to. i want to be a mother like Lorelai Gilmore where Rory tells her everything.
Last of all, i really hope your love for me will never waver. i know i am not the prettiest, sweetest, sexiest girl in town and there will always be prettier, hotter girls out there to tempt you. and if we do have children, my looks will probably drop one notch down. i will want to have sex with you every night (even though i don't really know how it feels like.. x: ) i really hope you do not break my heart like the other guys did. let death do us part. i hope we can be loving till our dying day. we will probably have misunderstandings or disagreements, but i will try my best to take a step back and i hope you do too. it doesn't matter if you would be balder, fatter, wrinklier because i know i loved you for who you are. so, please don't ever ever feel insecure. (:
i hope you will come into my life eventually because deep in my heart, i really hope you exist. if you do come, i promise to treasure you always.
Loving you ever so deeply,
Your future wife,
Shirley Lim.
Monday, July 19, 2010
987fm- onlyyyy the hits!
i fucking love the change on 987fm! Yesss. I can totally imagine mugging from 8 to 3am! I used to loveeee listening to shan wee in his late night show.. And young and his 'say it with music' last time! Then, they change.. And though there was muttons to midnight.. They were too distracting to mug to. Esp justin's joke of the day! So distracting lor. Hahahah
Now, shan and rozz is frm 8pm to 12mn. Super love shan and rozzzz! Somemore i love reading rozz's blog! Ahhaha. And nw, mr young can accompany me till 3am! I hated desiree lai's show lor. The previous dj for the 12 to 3am timeslot. She keeps putting those sound effects and she's not very funny la. Yay! Hope it stays like this for a looooooooooooooong looooooooooooooooong time leh. Love it now!
Rllly miss listening to carrie chong and daniel ong. Hahaha.
Now, shan and rozz is frm 8pm to 12mn. Super love shan and rozzzz! Somemore i love reading rozz's blog! Ahhaha. And nw, mr young can accompany me till 3am! I hated desiree lai's show lor. The previous dj for the 12 to 3am timeslot. She keeps putting those sound effects and she's not very funny la. Yay! Hope it stays like this for a looooooooooooooong looooooooooooooooong time leh. Love it now!
Rllly miss listening to carrie chong and daniel ong. Hahaha.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Young adult i am.
ok, so those who have been talking to me recently should have slowly gone nuts about me saying about life.. and how we're entering the life changing/ adulthood-stepping decade of our lives and how weird it is that by the end of this decade,that WITH ANY LUCK, i'd be typing on this blog having kids. HOW WEIRD AND BIZARREEEE!!! omg. O.O shocks me to think abt it. i mean, having sex is already quite mind-blowing, let alone.. offsprings. MY OFFSPRINGS. x= omggggggggggggggggggggggg.
so anyway, so currently, im confused. im confused about how my life should steer? what is considered normal? what is the stereotype. ok.. i know the stereotype. right now, the correct mould i should fall into is -
1. study
2. graduate with a bachelor
3. get a decent and steady job
4. have a constant group of girlfriends (a.k.a sex and the city/ desperate housewives/ bridget jones kind of girls.. who sip cosmos etc)
5.get a decent enough boyfriend who has a stable job
6. get married and have a mediocre sex life (based on durex survey on singaporean's sex life)
7. have children and start paying for household expenses/taxes etc
8. retire and go into an old folks home.
ok, but reality check here:
1. i have stopped being geeky after i went through poly. so is it possible i will revert back to the muggertoad i once was?
2. yeah. i think i will but how long will it take?
3. i dont really want a decent job. i wanna be a travel journalist! i wanna be paid to travel and know about other people and their lifestyles!!!! i wanna be filled with knowledge! i dont wanna sit at a desk and deal with numbers. sigh.
4. i do have group of friends now. but as what i can see, we're slowly splitting and stuff. and new friends are coming in. so.... how constant?
5. hmmmm. im leaving this section to fate and cupid. lol! i give up in finding my own love already
6. refer to no. 5
7. i might adopt if i eventually dont get married. or like back-up plan, i wont mind getting sperms from a sperm bank. why not?
8. if best right, i'd retire and MOVE TO SWITZERLAND! best ending to my story eh?!
okok. so, my point being... when i was young, my aunt got me a set of encyclopedia. lol. there's this particular one called "all about people". so its all about biology and stuff.
but in between the biology bits, they insert sections where they introduce u about the different stages of a person's life.

the coloured person refers to the stage of life u're reading..
i used to read about the pre-teens and teenage part when i was in primary school, trying to figure out what life will be like. even in sec school, i will refer to it once in a while to know where i stood. its not a very in-depth/oxford-ish kind of book.
lol! teens. ok, lets just see how my teenage life was supposed to be:
1. im supposed to be getting a new body.. which i have gotten. boobs and pubic hair, CHECKED.
2. "teens are old enough to go out without their parents. for the first time, they can do things by themselves without any adults around" CHECKED.
3. "looking good is important to most teens. they need to keep in shape if they want to look their best" .. after my eyelid glue and contacts experience, CHECKED.
4. "Lots of exciting things are happening in teenagers' lives. but they need to study because their education will make a big difference in their future lives" CHECKED. but im quite guilty about the studying part.
5. "Most teens start dating. they also develop close friendships with other people their age. they sometimes seem to have little time for their families." the dates part, CHECKED. the families part, also CHECKED!
6. "Having a job for the first time can be fun, even if it is hardwork. it feels good having money you have earned yourself" CHECKED!
weeee~ i've lived my teenage life well, at least according to the book. weee~ ok. so, to get a rough guide on how i'm supposed to map out my "young adulthood" ... here goes:


ok. im looking forward to this bit. the travelling bit! ohhhh london, please let me go to u!

i do hope im not ging to live with my parents by the time im 30 though.. i DO have thoughts of moving out. but the idea doesnt work well in singapore, because honestly, how far can u shift in singapore? from simei to boon lay ar? HAHAHHA.

WEE~ shall continue with yoga. maybe bowling? idk!
this was the bit i was saying. MARRIED. the scary M word. lol!
lol!!!!! that is what i should be looking out for now, i guess? a new job + a family + a new home.
ok lor. i know its lame to rely on an encyclopedia meant for young children for the road map of the next 10 years of my life. but when you get confused.. sometimes, the simpler the solution, the better.
ok. phew! finally blogged. shiook feeling. shall.... watch FRIENDS! and sleep!
so anyway, so currently, im confused. im confused about how my life should steer? what is considered normal? what is the stereotype. ok.. i know the stereotype. right now, the correct mould i should fall into is -
1. study
2. graduate with a bachelor
3. get a decent and steady job
4. have a constant group of girlfriends (a.k.a sex and the city/ desperate housewives/ bridget jones kind of girls.. who sip cosmos etc)
5.get a decent enough boyfriend who has a stable job
6. get married and have a mediocre sex life (based on durex survey on singaporean's sex life)
7. have children and start paying for household expenses/taxes etc
8. retire and go into an old folks home.
ok, but reality check here:
1. i have stopped being geeky after i went through poly. so is it possible i will revert back to the muggertoad i once was?
2. yeah. i think i will but how long will it take?
3. i dont really want a decent job. i wanna be a travel journalist! i wanna be paid to travel and know about other people and their lifestyles!!!! i wanna be filled with knowledge! i dont wanna sit at a desk and deal with numbers. sigh.
4. i do have group of friends now. but as what i can see, we're slowly splitting and stuff. and new friends are coming in. so.... how constant?
5. hmmmm. im leaving this section to fate and cupid. lol! i give up in finding my own love already
6. refer to no. 5
7. i might adopt if i eventually dont get married. or like back-up plan, i wont mind getting sperms from a sperm bank. why not?
8. if best right, i'd retire and MOVE TO SWITZERLAND! best ending to my story eh?!
okok. so, my point being... when i was young, my aunt got me a set of encyclopedia. lol. there's this particular one called "all about people". so its all about biology and stuff.


the coloured person refers to the stage of life u're reading..
i used to read about the pre-teens and teenage part when i was in primary school, trying to figure out what life will be like. even in sec school, i will refer to it once in a while to know where i stood. its not a very in-depth/oxford-ish kind of book.

1. im supposed to be getting a new body.. which i have gotten. boobs and pubic hair, CHECKED.
2. "teens are old enough to go out without their parents. for the first time, they can do things by themselves without any adults around" CHECKED.
3. "looking good is important to most teens. they need to keep in shape if they want to look their best" .. after my eyelid glue and contacts experience, CHECKED.
4. "Lots of exciting things are happening in teenagers' lives. but they need to study because their education will make a big difference in their future lives" CHECKED. but im quite guilty about the studying part.
5. "Most teens start dating. they also develop close friendships with other people their age. they sometimes seem to have little time for their families." the dates part, CHECKED. the families part, also CHECKED!
6. "Having a job for the first time can be fun, even if it is hardwork. it feels good having money you have earned yourself" CHECKED!
weeee~ i've lived my teenage life well, at least according to the book. weee~ ok. so, to get a rough guide on how i'm supposed to map out my "young adulthood" ... here goes:


ok. im looking forward to this bit. the travelling bit! ohhhh london, please let me go to u!

i do hope im not ging to live with my parents by the time im 30 though.. i DO have thoughts of moving out. but the idea doesnt work well in singapore, because honestly, how far can u shift in singapore? from simei to boon lay ar? HAHAHHA.


WEE~ shall continue with yoga. maybe bowling? idk!


ok lor. i know its lame to rely on an encyclopedia meant for young children for the road map of the next 10 years of my life. but when you get confused.. sometimes, the simpler the solution, the better.
ok. phew! finally blogged. shiook feeling. shall.... watch FRIENDS! and sleep!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Status: Graduated
Hey, i know i'm a day late. but yes, i have finally graduated after 3 years of sweat and tears. this is gonna be a long post.. so.. yup.
i thought the graduation ceremony would have been a touching and sad one. but, i didn't feel a trace of sadness nor happiness. i felt that the ceremony was too commercialized. last time in secondary school, i guess it was more homely and hence, though i had alot less friends back then in broadrick than in sp, the atmosphere was sad. and who could ever forget the scene where mrs ang cried. but this time, it was big and grand. i sat beside 2 people whom i've never spoken to in my life before, and of course, made friends. but there were less feelings i guess. and i guess, wearing my contacts and makeup, i become a tad more .. superficial. and if u realise, the more superficial one is, the less feelings she has. plus, how can any graduation ceremony not have graduation song? i know it sounds corny, but i feel it should never be left out. maybe they could do less video playing and more corny graduation stuff. really. i tell u, theres a reason why these things have existed for centuries, because they are what people like. deep down. no matter how people say "wa lao eh, so cheesy".. deep down, it makes them happy, i tell you. but there wasn't any. in fact, it was after the graduation ceremony that made me more emotional. seeing my friends gather together, like tingfang and reggie... and my classmates.. were the best! we just kept laughing and talking rubbish and screaming and running around despite the really hot and humid weather... but its just like the good ol' times. it'll probably be the last time we'd be gathered together like that in a place. cus the usual la, outings will be attended by less and less people as the years go by... so, oh well. be happy that it happened, and not upset that it never happened. and after having been through 2 graduations, u know more or less that "keep in touch" and "friends forever" are just sugar coats. just like universal studio's perspective of the world. but anyhow, back on topic, it was nice. as i've said before, SP is the best thing that has ever happened to me. the best 3 years of my life. the most significant changes were there. i went from geek to being lazy. from having nothing to my name to being the editor of a yearbook (my baby. and im not trying to show off la.. but i did put in alot of tears and efforts. tears.. wow. i remembered the last night of editorial, it was a saturday and i was in school until 10pm, crying from all the stress augustine goh gave me. editting articles. crying like mad. lol!). from thinking that clubbing are for ah lians to clubbing is fucking fun. from always sensoring my vulgarities (F***) to freak to fuck. from being someone who needs to be approached to becoming someone who does the approaching. from being scared of lecturers to learning how to be their friends too. from having only a few friends to having quite a big circle of friends. from being the quietest in class (as in broadrick) to being the noisiest.. from being in dreamland and fantasies to learning what reality is. from being ignorant to believing that general knowledge is as important as academic knowledge. from wanting a stable life to wanting a vibrant life. from being sooo shy of boys to becoming more open and comfortable with them.. and even going on dates. i made the closest friends i have ever made. i've become more and more shopaholic. i've become more workaholic and starting to believe in earning my own keeps and not rely on my parents. i have learnt humility. i have learnt that no matter our statuses, we all are human. i've had lots of laughter. lots of anger. lots of tears. lots of heartbreaks. lots of jokes everyday. lots of nonsense. everyday we come up with something new to laugh upon. we complaint about having no seats in the foodcourts, but there were always the tinge of happiness that lines our complaints because we were all in this together. we groan when lectures had to be extended. we cheer when we're released early. we sleep in lectures together. we draw on each other's notes like young children. we laugh at lecturer's boring tones/ funny pronunciation (ceteris paribus, for example). those were the moments i missed and so much so much more. how i wished we videotaped every second of our campus life. there is just so much changes i went through. and now, it has ended. i know all these sounds like they are things you have done even before u went to secondary school. but to me, these were indeed the transformation that took place. i went into SP with dreams of becoming carrie from sex and the city. i leave SP with dreams to bring my experiences and knowledge round the globe and pile them all on it and see what the world brings. i entered SP with money in the highest priority of what i look for in the future. now, i slowly believe that money isn't everything. but of course, abit of spare cash would always do us good :)
SP was a nice warm house, with a roof over and has one of those cosy fireplace and when winter comes, you know you still have a roof over u to hide from the cold. that was the kind of fuzzy, safe feeling when i was in SP. but now, i've left this house. and i need to find another one that can give me the feeling that i am safe. and happy. its quite scary because frankly, although i know i'm going to do a bachelor in accounting and finance (which i regret signing up on impulse).. but what am i really going to be doing in life? most of us are 20 years old now. we have ended the decade when we were supposed to be having fun and being reckless so we can learn not to make mistakes during those times. now, we're in the "gonna get married, get a stable career, can start getting a mortgage and have a family anytime soon" era. i don't know. i never thought i'd be stepping into this period of time so soon. of course, i don't forsee myself being the one who's gonna get married and have a family kind. cus i've always been the .. carefree one? after being in the control of my parents for 2 decades, this will be the one where i can taste freedom. i don't think im going to be tied down even before seeing how far i can fly with this wings that have been tied down. i still wanna be the travel journalist i have dreamt of becoming. yes, that is another thing i've found out from these 3 years. my passion for writing. its sounds silly but i enjoy writing reports.. hahaha. x= and doing journalism work for yearbook. so i really don't know what or how to plan for my future. so, i'll do what the best advice ever thrown to me will tell me - just play by ear la! hahaha.
just a few more years, and our reunions would be filled with executives and mothers and fathers. wow. the transitions are scarily grown up. we are going to start becoming our parents. it is scary as you no longer can rely on your parents to help you. remember the times when you didn't wanna go for PE and ur mum just have to write a letter? if the PE teacher questions, she will complain to the principal? now? u have to be responsible for your actions. slowly no one can take your rep anymore unless you're one of those ruthless and scheming bitch who backstabs your friends. then again, you will not come to a good end. this graduation ceremony doesn't mark an end to our miseries as what most of our albums have been labelled but a start of one of the toughest roads ahead. you are now driving on a road where the road signs have been removed and the road is bumpy and dark ahead and you only have your car and its headlights to guide you down.. we're no longer on the safe highway where as long as you drive according to the rules, you'd be safe and reach your destination. anyway, life has no destination. there are stops along the way, but the rest of it is just a journey. well, enough said.. some pictures from the ceremony:

Mrs chong! see her hand behind my head! how cute! :) will miss her. though she has been fierce and strict, but i see her as motherly. hahaha. :)

Mr Teo, my guidance through the yearbook days!

pohpoh. cost accounting.. has never been funner! hahaha.
trademark: -asks someone to present tutorial in front of the class- "erm, can you please check your left and right." when we put the tutorial on the visualizer. hahaha!
me and mr goh! my stress master. lol! always pressing me to give him articles. and edit, edit, edit. forced me out of my comfort zone but i need to thank him for helping me in the process of making the yearbook possible.

my junior, yuanshen and my "sisters" Jolene and Adeline! always so cheerful and young! my juniors from when i was a facil for their freshmen orientation programme. our common topics: "ai". hahaha!

how can we not have toilet shots at the famous SB toilet? hahah! nice backdrop!
morgan and me. 7 years of friendship :) all the bimbo-ing and splurging and k-ing. hahah. who can forget the days we were so enthu about CMCC. LOL!
another one! Douglas teo. hahaha. 7 years! 2 graduations. somemore was 4 years of classmates? hahhaha. never change much la, still as cheeky as ever!
Evon! same course and gonna be schoolmates AGAIN at sim! hahahah. that makes it, 9 years in the same school! hahahhaha.
with martiantian, anita and ade.
me, caijing and ttengy. gonna miss randomly seeing them in lecture halls (Except tf, since we're gonna be classmates.. ahha) and talking random stuff!

i really love this pic of me and ttengy - my daughter. but apparently, i adopted her from the singapore river... she was an offspring of the merlion. lol!
me and ruizhen!
yangyang, hongming and me. the ever so pretty girls of our class. :)

lol! me and the three musketeers. hahahahahaha. forever full of nonsense and excuses to skip tutorials and cut the tutorials short! hahahah
me and seto. hahaha. nathan's friend whom i've hardly talked to.. but everytime we walk past, will raise eyebrows. LOL.
shuhuan, me and martin! gotta know through my favouritest module in the world, Global Business Environment!
martin, me and hendri! hendri is the pride of our cohort! very very nice and smart guy and he was the father of my child! hahaha. was for our GEMS, when we did a skit and i was supposed to play a pregnant mother who smokes and clubs. and he was the father of my child. lol! yup. my life in poly was "scandalous" ar! hahahaha
me and Ariel! hahahha. how funny things go in one circle! she was my primary school schoolmate. i know her presence in primary school .. and i found her in year 1 through friendster. and she has technically been through 2 graduations with me as well! hahahaha.
me and the ever so cute huiyan! she always reminds me of stars cus i keep seeing her wearing her starry top. hahaha.
me and reggie veggie. the person who knows the most about me, i'd tell u. lol! love u to bits, bunz.
shopaholics. far-east-plaza lovers. lol!
me and bro. pino-chio ar?! btw, he's the best chef i'd ever known. [: and in 4 years time, we'd be in this spot but our roles switched.
Mar-tian-tian and me. omg.. mr rich kid. hahahaha. will miss you also. when can we go your house and mahjong?!
me and will~ me(asst class rep) and willie (class rep) for 5 semesters! well done! hahaha. thanks will!!! he's the one that does the photocopying of notes and doing the papers and sending us his model answers so we can survive the exams. i will not have done this well (though my GPA sucked, but would have been worse) if not for willie. thank you uncle willie!!
me and nei. nei also played a big role in my poly life (like the other boomzers, chantel and adeline). always wanna "bi dong xi 比东西" best person to draw notes on. and all the laughter from laughing at the small games we play in lecture and stuff. but forever blur as a sotong and always late. lol!! gonna miss u too. and ur mum! LOL!
boomzers. wished chantel was here too. adeline has also played a big role in my life. hahahhaah. she's like, 3/4 in my poly life lor! hahaha.
Class Dac/04 of class 2010. with mr Dennis Sim. the person you can always turn to when you have problems!
and DAC/04! hopefully we'll still remain in contact and meet up like in the past. for random movies. for random chalet. i'll definitely miss you guys.
wow, i've been blogging for 3 hours. damn sleepy and tired. martin low still has a lot of my pictures. this is not the last episode. but it's just an interval.
last but not least, all the best to everybody of graduating class 2010. all the best for your future and hope that you guys will find your happiness wherever it lies or however you define it. School's out!
i thought the graduation ceremony would have been a touching and sad one. but, i didn't feel a trace of sadness nor happiness. i felt that the ceremony was too commercialized. last time in secondary school, i guess it was more homely and hence, though i had alot less friends back then in broadrick than in sp, the atmosphere was sad. and who could ever forget the scene where mrs ang cried. but this time, it was big and grand. i sat beside 2 people whom i've never spoken to in my life before, and of course, made friends. but there were less feelings i guess. and i guess, wearing my contacts and makeup, i become a tad more .. superficial. and if u realise, the more superficial one is, the less feelings she has. plus, how can any graduation ceremony not have graduation song? i know it sounds corny, but i feel it should never be left out. maybe they could do less video playing and more corny graduation stuff. really. i tell u, theres a reason why these things have existed for centuries, because they are what people like. deep down. no matter how people say "wa lao eh, so cheesy".. deep down, it makes them happy, i tell you. but there wasn't any. in fact, it was after the graduation ceremony that made me more emotional. seeing my friends gather together, like tingfang and reggie... and my classmates.. were the best! we just kept laughing and talking rubbish and screaming and running around despite the really hot and humid weather... but its just like the good ol' times. it'll probably be the last time we'd be gathered together like that in a place. cus the usual la, outings will be attended by less and less people as the years go by... so, oh well. be happy that it happened, and not upset that it never happened. and after having been through 2 graduations, u know more or less that "keep in touch" and "friends forever" are just sugar coats. just like universal studio's perspective of the world. but anyhow, back on topic, it was nice. as i've said before, SP is the best thing that has ever happened to me. the best 3 years of my life. the most significant changes were there. i went from geek to being lazy. from having nothing to my name to being the editor of a yearbook (my baby. and im not trying to show off la.. but i did put in alot of tears and efforts. tears.. wow. i remembered the last night of editorial, it was a saturday and i was in school until 10pm, crying from all the stress augustine goh gave me. editting articles. crying like mad. lol!). from thinking that clubbing are for ah lians to clubbing is fucking fun. from always sensoring my vulgarities (F***) to freak to fuck. from being someone who needs to be approached to becoming someone who does the approaching. from being scared of lecturers to learning how to be their friends too. from having only a few friends to having quite a big circle of friends. from being the quietest in class (as in broadrick) to being the noisiest.. from being in dreamland and fantasies to learning what reality is. from being ignorant to believing that general knowledge is as important as academic knowledge. from wanting a stable life to wanting a vibrant life. from being sooo shy of boys to becoming more open and comfortable with them.. and even going on dates. i made the closest friends i have ever made. i've become more and more shopaholic. i've become more workaholic and starting to believe in earning my own keeps and not rely on my parents. i have learnt humility. i have learnt that no matter our statuses, we all are human. i've had lots of laughter. lots of anger. lots of tears. lots of heartbreaks. lots of jokes everyday. lots of nonsense. everyday we come up with something new to laugh upon. we complaint about having no seats in the foodcourts, but there were always the tinge of happiness that lines our complaints because we were all in this together. we groan when lectures had to be extended. we cheer when we're released early. we sleep in lectures together. we draw on each other's notes like young children. we laugh at lecturer's boring tones/ funny pronunciation (ceteris paribus, for example). those were the moments i missed and so much so much more. how i wished we videotaped every second of our campus life. there is just so much changes i went through. and now, it has ended. i know all these sounds like they are things you have done even before u went to secondary school. but to me, these were indeed the transformation that took place. i went into SP with dreams of becoming carrie from sex and the city. i leave SP with dreams to bring my experiences and knowledge round the globe and pile them all on it and see what the world brings. i entered SP with money in the highest priority of what i look for in the future. now, i slowly believe that money isn't everything. but of course, abit of spare cash would always do us good :)
SP was a nice warm house, with a roof over and has one of those cosy fireplace and when winter comes, you know you still have a roof over u to hide from the cold. that was the kind of fuzzy, safe feeling when i was in SP. but now, i've left this house. and i need to find another one that can give me the feeling that i am safe. and happy. its quite scary because frankly, although i know i'm going to do a bachelor in accounting and finance (which i regret signing up on impulse).. but what am i really going to be doing in life? most of us are 20 years old now. we have ended the decade when we were supposed to be having fun and being reckless so we can learn not to make mistakes during those times. now, we're in the "gonna get married, get a stable career, can start getting a mortgage and have a family anytime soon" era. i don't know. i never thought i'd be stepping into this period of time so soon. of course, i don't forsee myself being the one who's gonna get married and have a family kind. cus i've always been the .. carefree one? after being in the control of my parents for 2 decades, this will be the one where i can taste freedom. i don't think im going to be tied down even before seeing how far i can fly with this wings that have been tied down. i still wanna be the travel journalist i have dreamt of becoming. yes, that is another thing i've found out from these 3 years. my passion for writing. its sounds silly but i enjoy writing reports.. hahaha. x= and doing journalism work for yearbook. so i really don't know what or how to plan for my future. so, i'll do what the best advice ever thrown to me will tell me - just play by ear la! hahaha.
just a few more years, and our reunions would be filled with executives and mothers and fathers. wow. the transitions are scarily grown up. we are going to start becoming our parents. it is scary as you no longer can rely on your parents to help you. remember the times when you didn't wanna go for PE and ur mum just have to write a letter? if the PE teacher questions, she will complain to the principal? now? u have to be responsible for your actions. slowly no one can take your rep anymore unless you're one of those ruthless and scheming bitch who backstabs your friends. then again, you will not come to a good end. this graduation ceremony doesn't mark an end to our miseries as what most of our albums have been labelled but a start of one of the toughest roads ahead. you are now driving on a road where the road signs have been removed and the road is bumpy and dark ahead and you only have your car and its headlights to guide you down.. we're no longer on the safe highway where as long as you drive according to the rules, you'd be safe and reach your destination. anyway, life has no destination. there are stops along the way, but the rest of it is just a journey. well, enough said.. some pictures from the ceremony:



Mr Teo, my guidance through the yearbook days!

pohpoh. cost accounting.. has never been funner! hahaha.
trademark: -asks someone to present tutorial in front of the class- "erm, can you please check your left and right." when we put the tutorial on the visualizer. hahaha!




how can we not have toilet shots at the famous SB toilet? hahah! nice backdrop!






i really love this pic of me and ttengy - my daughter. but apparently, i adopted her from the singapore river... she was an offspring of the merlion. lol!



lol! me and the three musketeers. hahahahahaha. forever full of nonsense and excuses to skip tutorials and cut the tutorials short! hahahah















wow, i've been blogging for 3 hours. damn sleepy and tired. martin low still has a lot of my pictures. this is not the last episode. but it's just an interval.
last but not least, all the best to everybody of graduating class 2010. all the best for your future and hope that you guys will find your happiness wherever it lies or however you define it. School's out!
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